currently coveting: vintage rugs part deux

Beyonce's X rated performance at the Grammy's got me thinking that I hadn't done a rug post lately.  Now one may think, how does one align rugs and Beyonce? Well, as I've mentioned before, I've acquired quite the taste for vintage rugs and every time I add another to my list, I ceremoniously sing a little Bey Bey, "uh uh oh…" A few lyrical liberties later and what do you know, I've replaced "ring" with"rug" and have written my own little fairy tale and aforementioned rugs become the shining stars. Tales like a  clean, bright space filled with mis-matched rugs. A super traditional (and dream!) kitchen with a little cherry on top. The most perfect little nursery I ever did see. And last, but not least, a moody bedroom with a pop of navajo funk.  I mean…If you like it then you…Should probably put a pin on it. 


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