the great coffee table debacle of 2010

We're all moved in and now its time to wage wars and win battles.  I'll be fighting for lucite tables, gold accessories and vintage finds.  Zach will be fighting for traditional lines, dark wood and functional pieces.   Both can fight, only one will win.

Here's some inspiration I've been using for the space.  Right now, we are all over the place but I'm sure we'll come to a great compromise...something we both will like.  What do you think?

Any ideas or affordable finds we should know about?

*images via unknown, delight by design, high heeled foot in the door and the diversion project

1 comment:

  1. Ok I have to admit I like the last image the best (lacking an acrylic table).. BUT I'm confident you can find a place for your acrylic love! Check overstock regularly for acrylic finds.. and CB2 has some good ones for reasonable prices..

    (yay moving in!!)


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